Surgery Prices

Indicative costs for our surgical services in Northampton

Orthopaedic Surgery


Referral consultation £230
Follow-up consultation £100
Follow-up consultation (inc  consult sedation / x-rays) from £400
Emergency referral consultation £310

Fracture Repair

Simple physical repair from £2120
Long bone fracture repair from £3180
Humeral unicondylar fracture repair (not including CT) from £4320
Arthrodesis £4050

Stifle Surgery

Cranial Cruciate Ligament repair (TPLO)
Unilateral  TPLO / TTA


6 week follow up assessment (inc consult, sedation, x-rays) from £400
Extra-capsular stabilisation From £1590
Patella stabilisation
(prices requiring femoral osteotomy will be higher)

Elbow Surgery

CT and arthroscopy for elbow dysplasia


PAUL (proximal abducting ulna osteotomy -KYON) £2855
CUE (canine unicompartmental elbow resurfacing) £4100

Hip Surgery

Total hip replacement – Biomedtrix  – unilateral
(excludes initial assessment and radiographs if required)


Hip replacement sizing and assessment £640
Total hip follow up £450
Hip luxation (surgical stabilisation) £2700

Spinal Surgery

CT and hemilaminectomy decompression for intervertebral disc disease


Soft Tissue Surgery


Referral first consultation £228
Referral follow-up consultation £100
Emergency referral consultation £310
Follow Consultation/6 week assessment (inc. Sedation and Xrays) From £400

ENT Surgery

Brachycephalic obstructive airway correction £2625
Laryngeal tieback £2680
Total ear canal ablation (not including CT) £2775

Maxillofacial Surgery

Salivary mucoceole £2250
Mandibulectomy/Maxillectomy £2595


Thoracotomy/lung lobectomy/pericardectomy £2760

Abdominal surgery

Exploratory coeliotomy £2440
Biliary surgery £2440
Liver lobectomy £2440
Perineal hernia £2560

Tumour Resection

Oncologic tumour resection £2335

Wound management (typically post tumour resection)

Wound reconstruction, grafts, axial pattern flaps £2335

Fee estimates above are for uncomplicated surgical procedures and include:
Initial consultation, x-rays, surgery, hospitalisation for one night, initial courses of pain relief and antibiotics (as required).

With any surgery unforeseen complications may arise, which may mean additional surgery hospitalisation or medications, incurring extra costs. We will always endeavour to keep clients regularly informed of their pet’s progress during their stay with us and inform them before any additional treatments are carried out.

During the initial consultation we will always give the client an estimate of the likely costs of investigation/treatment for their pet and we will try to make this as accurate as possible. Please remember however that this is only an estimate and whilst we will do our best to keep the client informed of any major additional charges the final costs can vary if the pet’s condition proves to be more complex than anticipated.

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